15 Keys to Self-Confidence in 2021
Wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year. As 2021 dawns on us we all want to feel more self-confident. However tough 2020 might have been we can make a fresh start in 2021. This is a great time to recalibrate our priorities. Self-confidence is wonderful quality strongly correlated with success. A lot of times we see people who are highly successful and it is a direct result of their self-confidence. It is not something that you just have when you are born but rather it is something internalized after years of hard work and proving your competence in your area of expertise. Here are the 15 ways I have identified to become a more self-confident person. Keep track of your accomplishments - Everyone has had success at some point in life either in school, extracurricular activities or college. Write down every single achievement you have ever had right from your start. This can be anything from learning a language, learning a sport, or academic achievements...