A - Z of Leadership - 26 Tips to be an outstanding Leader
Leadership is the most important need in our society and organizations alike. In my opinion everyone should define what leadership means to them and it is for the individual to decide if they are successful in meeting that definition or not. I would suggest identify the leaders who have impacted you and find out how they led their teams. In my opinion leadership is ability to be stay inspired and inspire others to action. Leaders help others perform even when they don’t feel like doing it. I believe the recipe of leadership can be baked with the following ingredients. Here is my A - Z of Leadership. I had also published A-Z of Success please check it out here A-Z of Success. A for Attitude : Attitude is the first requirement to be a great leader. A leader’s attitude is contagious and spreads like wild fire across the organization. Jack Welch has a 4E formula which is having high energy, ability to energize, execute and having the edge. A leader needs to be personally ener...