7 Ways to Lead yourself Exceptionally Well

Self-management is the name of the game. How you manage yourself over a sustained period is the greatest predictor of your success. I have a read a lot of John Maxwell books. One book I liked was “The 360 Degree Leader” and it has a chapter which talks about 7 keys to take care for self-management. Here they are with my take on each.
Manage your emotions – Emotions is nothing more than energy in motion. A leader can’t afford to lose their cool often. The ability to manage your emotions is one of the keys to become a top leader. For example, when you are angry don’t take any action and don’t send an email. If you are angry you can get out of the conversation or go to another place. Do something which makes you feel better.
Mange your time – Irrespective of our background all of us get the same time 24 hours a day. It is how we manage ourselves within the time is the key. I have identified 10 keys for effective time management. Please check it out. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-time-management-tips-thrive-21st-century-shyam/
Manage your priorities – Focus on the wildly important. Write down everything in your mind including things like visiting the dentist. Then decide what are the top priorities and only focus on that. Warren Buffet was famous for saying write down 25 things, choose the top 5 and eliminate the remaining 20.
Mange your energy- Energy is the currency of the 21st century. The power of full engagement is one of the best books on the subject. First you should get adequate sleep to be at your best. You should be exercising 30 min at least 3-4 times a week. Have a good diet. Finally work in 90 minute sprints and take a break for 10 min. This is a wonderful way to keep your energy high. Here is the way be fully engaged at home and work. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/being-fully-engaged-home-work-shyam-ramanathan-pmp-cssgb-ains-au/
Manage your thinking – You become what you think about. What you focus on is what you get. One of the best ways to control your thinking is to maintain a journal with all your thoughts recorded. Dedicate some time to think how you want to lead your life and what changes you want to make. As Peter Drucker said “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From that quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” Here are 8 ways to become a deliberate thinker. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/8-ways-become-deliberate-thinker-shyam-ramanathan-pmp-cssgb-ains-au/
Manage your words – Words are powerful and the words of great leaders have inspired people for generations. One of the ways we can change the worlds we use is through what is called auto suggestion. Be kind and generous to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for the past. Say things like “This is going to be a wonderful day”, “I am capable of doing my best”, “I have high energy.” Positive statements to yourself is a great self-esteem booster.
Manage your personal life – If you are having issues in your personal life it will spill over to your official life so keep your personal life in good order. Clean out any in-completes like getting your life insurance or going for the physical exam. Ensure you have balance between your work and personal life. Stay consistent with the values you have defined for yourself.
Hope you enjoyed reading this post.
The views expressed in this article are my own and do not represent my organization. Thanks for reading this post.


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