Good Bye to Resolutions Install World class habits instead
With 2025 starting a lot of us want to create resolutions and most of them don’t work over the long run unless there is a strong commitment to follow through. I prefer goals instead which are more long term. Instead of having a goal of losing 10 pounds we can instead just install the habit of exercising daily. If we exercise daily and have a good diet consistently then the 10 pounds takes care of itself over a reasonable period. My aim with this article is to give long lasting habits that we can implement not only for this year but for life. If we do that then the necessity for resolutions disappears.
Marshall Goldsmith in his seminal work "What got you here won't get you there" says lasting goal achievement requires lots of time, hard work, personal sacrifice, ongoing effort and dedication to a process that is maintained over years. So, remember this before setting any resolution or goal because it requires tremendous commitment on your part to achieve irrespective of what any informercial or book promises.
Our habits make us or break us. If there is one thing that will surely help you on this journey of life it is your habits. There is no scientific formula to develop habits, but one thing is sure unless you are totally determined to change then the results will not be what is required. Here are 15 habits or hacks that when implemented can really help us get closer to where we want to be.
Get up early or Wake up Late – I wrote this title because there is no one size fits all approach to success or habits. Please do what suits your biological rhythm but I think devoting some time for yourself on a daily basis is a good use of your valuable time. This is totally about discipline. On average, most of the highly successful people from history have all got up early. Of course, there are certain creatives who only get their best work done in the night. If you are one of them then this may not apply to you. Reading about Eisenhower he slept at 9:30 pm and got up early. Ernest Hemingway and Benjamin Franklin were also early risers. Bob Iger noted in his memoir “The Ride of a Lifetime” that right from a young age he always got up real early to get some alone time. When you rise before the sun you feel a sense of accomplishment and you can read or write or catch up on emails before the busy workday starts. Of course, if you are working in a night shift or you are most creative in the late hours then this won’t apply to you. There is a better chance of getting exercise out of the way if we get up early. Again this is probably not something which will work for everyone but see if it applies to your situation. I have changed from getting up early to accommodate folks who wake up late. Based on all the studies I have come across while most of us can get up early there are folks who have a different rhythm. So, it is not just about getting up early it is more about what you do when you are up. So, align your schedule according to your rhythm.
Exercise – All presidents and a lot of CEO’s exercise nearly daily. A lot of presidents exercised first thing for 45 min in the morning. Eisenhower played golf frequently and this was what kept him energized to get through the tough demands of being a president. The habit of doing something physically is great as it keeps you energized throughout the day. Try it for a few weeks and see the difference it makes. Science has proven that exercise releases those pleasurable chemicals like serotonin, dopamine and of course endorphins. We all know this but it takes discipline to implement this in our lives. Be proactive about your health and get on an exercise program that works for your situation. Of course, if you enjoy sports that’s another way to stay healthy. Every health situation is different so do consult with your physician before embarking on an exercise regimen that works for you. Bob Iger in his book "The Ride of a Lifetime" says one of the things that has enabled his success is getting up real early and exercising (of course reading as well).
Set Goals – Our search for meaning in our lives can be achieved only through setting goals. With goals, you have direction for your life. Set goals in your personal, physical, financial, and social lives. Keep your goals confidential and don’t share it with anyone else. Keep looking at it weekly and make course corrections as needed. Make it specific, measurable and just out of reach. The key is to write down goals that you want and remind yourself of where you want to get to in life. Again as I have mentioned a number of times if you have clear goals for every area of your life there is no need for resolutions. If you have a big hairy audacious goal that would make you inspired immediately. Victor Frankl said “What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him.” The key is to strive toward the goals and enjoy the struggle. You may not reach all your goals anyway so enjoy the process and be ready to accept whatever outcomes come your way.
Personal Mission Statement – Most successful people and organizations have strong mission statements. They take the time to figure out what is the reason for their existence. Having a personal mission statement will energize your whole life. My personal mission statement over the last 14 years has been “My mission is to maximise my potential and help others maximise theirs.” I have a longer mission statement, but this is the crux. This has helped me maintain my enthusiasm even when things don’t go as I expected. The actions I do to live my mission is to read constantly and share what I have learned through blogs. It keeps me energized most of the time. Satya Nadella in his wonderful book "Hit Refresh" says one of the questions he asked initially in his tenure was why does Microsoft exist or to put it another way what would happen if Microsoft didn't exist. So think along these lines to clarify your mission statement and purpose.
Eat to Live – Benjamin Franklin in his auto biography writes how he had a light lunch while others were having heavy lunches. This ensured he always had high energy. It is important to eat moderately and include lots of vegetables and fruits. We all know what we need to do in this area but we do fall short on occasions. This is just a reminder to do what we already know. Of course, the key is if you fall off track just get back on track rather than brooding over any over indulgence. Of course, it is also a known fact that we will fall off-track but just get back up when you do indulge. If we follow this we may not need any extreme diet programs which don’t work for the long term. Intermittent fasting has proven to be a pretty good method however before you start something please check with your doctor because not everyone is wired the same way so listen to experts but follow what works for you.
Continuous learning – To keep abreast with the changes in your profession read in your field, read broadly, listen to podcasts, connect with experts, read blogs and document what you have learned. This is the key to winning in the 21st century. You must schedule time in the week for your self-development as it never happens automatically. The wonderful thing is all the information you need to be on the cutting edge of the learning revolution is at your fingertips and it is largely free of cost.
Reflection – Successful people take the time to reflect on a continuous basis and make sure they learn from life. Unless you take the time to reflect in a journal you cannot really understand what is going well and what can be improved. Unless you take time for reflection you won’t know how far you have come and how far you have yet to go. Another key habit of successful people is they think big. They don’t engage in small thinking. The beginning of the year is a wonderful time to reflect on what has gone well in 2024 while planning for a great 2025.
Financial Planning – To achieve well rounded success some amount of financial planning is required. The key as mentioned in the book “The Richest Man in Babylon” is pay yourself first. Saving is a key financial habit and the more you save the more secure you feel. Of course, discussing with a financial adviser may also be an excellent idea. The Psycology of Money is another good book on this topic.
Take vacations – There is a reason vacation is there. When you take a vacation and disconnect form your work you come back renewed to even work better. Vacations can also be a valuable time to connect with your dear ones. We really don’t need exotic vacations but the best thing is don’t schedule every minute of your vacation. Have some free time to make the vacation count. Some of the best ideas do come when we are doing some mundane tasks or just daydreaming. Most of us are corporate or work athletes so we need to engage in full excellence for a period of time and then take time off to renew and rejuvenate.
Contribution or Volunteering – Volunteering can be done with your time or also by making charitable contributions. The only way to get some significance to your life is through contribution. There are multiple avenues for contribution, and you can choose your best vehicle.
Excellent time management – All successful people manage themselves well within the gift of 24 hours. It is not what you do but what you don’t do that is vitally important for time management. As Peter Drucker mentioned we should ask leaders what to stop rather than what to do. Look at all your activities and see which ones are time wasters. Eliminate those and you will have more time to do the things that matter. Focus on the wildly important, write down lists, focus only your top priorities and develop the habit of saying no to low priority activities. In 2024, you might have worked on some things which didn’t yield desirable results, and you can choose to stop those activities in 2025. Remember this is the dawn of a new year and whatever time we have wasted till now doesn’t matter. All that matters in life is what we do from here till the rest of our lives.
Hobbies – All successful people have interesting hobbies. Einstein liked sailing, playing violin and many others liked to play an instrument as well. Personally, for me reading, exercising, listening to music, travelling and writing are hobbies. When I do that I feel fulfilled. You need to find hobbies that you are passionate about and do them every week. This will keep you energized throughout 2025.
Networking – Successful people network both officially and socially. Having a strong network professionally ensures that when the chips are down you can rely on them to back you up. Strong social relationships ensure your life has more meaning and joy. In times of crisis you need this network to bring you back up.
Live your Legacy – Successful people are very clear on what their life sentence should be. As Stephen Covey mentioned begin with the end in mind and define the mission statement for your life. Take some time to plan how you want your life to look at the end and then see how you want 2025 to look at the end. This is exactly how you define a personal vision for your life. Yes you have a vision for your business but do you have a vision for your life. The start of the year is the best time to create a vision and get some momentum to make your life a masterpiece. You can also write your life sentence which was mentioned by Clare Boothe Luce who reportedly said to President Kennedy "A great man is one sentence." For FDR it was "He lifted us out of a great depression and helped us win a world war." So come with a sentence that describes your purpose and what you want said about you. For me it could be "He maximised his potential and helped others maximise theirs." Make it personal, engaging and something that inspires you.
Protect your Willpower as Discipline doesn’t last forever - I know the new year is a time where you try to change a lot of things all at once and it requires enormous will power to do this. At some point all of us since we are human will suffer what people call willpower depletion. At that time, you will overcompensate and overindulge. Don't worry this happens to everyone since none of us are Robots so just get back on the saddle when you lose the willpower. Another key is you cannot change too many things at the same time. So, think about which areas you want to change, and the other areas can wait. Try to make important decisions when your willpower is at its highest and getting a great sleep when you are tired is the best way to maintain your willpower. I read the book Willpower (by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney) and found it to be thoroughly interesting. Roy Baumeister coined the term ego depletion for describing people’s diminished capacity to regulate their thoughts, feelings and action. People can overcome mental fatigue, but if they had used up energy by exerting willpower they will eventually succumb. If you find yourself especially bothered by frustrating events or have negative thoughts, then maybe it is because you have used a lot of your willpower. Willpower Review
I know all this seems like a lot of habits to develop but if we adopt some of these on a regular basis, we can get the most out of ourselves and make 2025 one of the best years of our lives. These habits can help us eliminate the need for resolutions. Thanks for reading this post.
The views expressed here are my own and do not represent my organization.
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