10 Ways to make Failure your Friend
What does it take to make failure your friend. Ultimately your success will be related to how fast you overcome failure. The Success Journey by John Maxwell is a book I enjoyed which talks about the steps needed to overcome failure. Here they are with my take on each. Appreciate the value of failure – All successful people have encountered heart breaking obstacles before winning. There is no success without failure. Learn from every failure and understand that it is never final. Don’t take failure personally – Even if you get fired don’t let that affect your self-esteem. So many times we don’t get the promotion we wanted. This is life and it is difficult. Let’s not make it more difficult by putting ourselves down. Let failure redirect you – This means you need to persevere having the larger vision for your life in sight. Never lose the big picture in the midst of temporary failures. Keep a sense of humor – You can do this by taking...