Take off in Full Throttle - The Flight Plan
Your life will be off course most of the time. The analogy of a flight
plan is good. During a flight the pilot will be off course most of the time but
it still reaches the destination most of the time.
The flight plan by Brian Tracy is a nice easy to read book and is built
on these following principles.
Decide your destination – Obviously the first step is to decide where you want
to go. Not everyone has taken the time to decide exactly what they want in
life. You need to decide yourself where you want to end up in life. Set goals
on your career, family and other areas. The steps to set goals are decide exactly what you want, set deadlines, get help where needed and keep reviewing on a regular basis.
Take off – Once you decide your destination the next step is to
take off. This is where you let go of all your excuses why you cannot do
something. You just take the first step towards your goal and you keep taking
steps to stay on track. Taking off on full throttle is the key to your success.
Make course corrections – As mentioned earlier you will be off course most of
the time. We may want to double our income but then we face reality that it is
going to take a long time. However if you take one step after another and
change plans when needed eventually you will reach your destination.
Obviously the book offers much more than this and has some detailed
steps on how to avoid headwinds for instance. Overall it is a breezy read.
Remember you are the pilot of your life and you can take off wherever you want.
Make sure you decide where you want to go, take off in full throttle and make
course corrections.
The views expressed here are my
own and do not represent my organization.
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